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Mar 17, 2022 Jamie Midgley

8 Ways Inbound RevOps Helps COOs to Achieve Transformational Growth

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8 Ways Inbound RevOps Helps COOs to Achieve Transformational Growth

As an organisation’s ‘Transformation Champion’, the COO is expected to make things happen.

Everyone wants growth. But growth can be tough.

The desire to get everyone pulling together, towards the vision, is prompting more organisations to explore the potential of Revenue Operations, or RevOps.

Here are eight ways RevOps combined with the Inbound methodology helps to design for growth.

1. Support Effective Remote and
Hybrid Working

Whilst some business commentators are unconvinced, it appears that remote and hybrid working will be the norm for now - and probably much longer.

The productivity of remote-working employees and the ‘Great Resignation’ suggest people power will prevail in most boardroom discussions on the topic. 

Indeed, three out of four CEOs expect full-time remote working for all or most employees (2021 Benchmarking report, Predictive Index). 

There are not only considerations around health, safety and wellbeing. Organisations also need to find a way for their people to communicate and collaborate - from wherever they work.

For the latter challenge, the RevOps approach using an ‘all-on-one’ system like HubSpot Growth Suite - combined with a data analytics tool like Databox - will do the job nicely. 

Together, they provide virtual meeting options, multi-channel communications, accurate data sharing, real-time analytics and pipeline management. 

2. Build Robust and Flexible
Operational Capacity

Rigid, hierarchical structures are unlikely to have much of a shelf life in a fast-changing world.

A RevOps approach using a solution like HubSpot Growth Suite helps to get the building blocks right. Now and in the future.

It simplifies the system. It makes use of smart software, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Automation allows teams to focus more on serving customers at every stage of the buying journey.

3. Adopt Personalisation to Serve
Customers Better

There’s been a shift in how commerce works. Today the buyer (not the seller) is more in control. 

People choose when they buy, not sales teams. It’s the job of business to provide information, sound advice and guidance to help customers decide.

An inbound RevOps approach is customer-centred at every stage of the buyer journey. It also supports organisations that use Account Based Marketing (ABM) to target higher-value customers.

It allows Marketing and Sales to respond rapidly to the activity and interest of prospects and customers - to increase engagement. It allows Customer Service to create loyal fans and brand ambassadors.

4. Align Stakeholders

Vision and Mission are well and good. But they only have value when action happens in a cohesive way.

RevOps gets everyone on the same page and working towards a clear destination.

Specifically, it aligns Marketing and Sales to linked revenue targets. Set out under a rock-solid SLA.

When people are aligned, they have direction, focus and good reason to work with other teams. That’s bound to be more productive than working in ‘silos’.

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5. Streamline Processes

Many organisations get by with a mish mash of tools and platforms. Many organisations have teams which are a little disconnected.

All of that means processes are likely to be inefficient. Inbound RevOps designs growth in two helpful ways. 

Firstly, RevOps aims to replace multiple platforms with an ‘all in one’ solution, like HubSpot Growth Suite. Secondly, and most importantly, it aligns Marketing, Sales and Customer Service.

This allows the organisation to make processes leaner. This allows teams to respond faster to the activity of prospects and needs of customers.

6. Improve Operational Efficiency

The RevOps framework opens the door to a model which intuitively looks for efficiency - the easiest path for everyone to deliver their best.

Search for and remove ‘blind spots’. Create a structure which supports faster, better informed decision-making. Delegate more and empower people to lead at
every level.

Streamline processes. Maximise system performance. Get employees doing what they do best.

With operational efficiency, it’s about pruning the flowers, not killing the flowerbed.

The ideal outcome is to achieve operational efficiencies which reduce costs in the business, without that activity damaging the customer experience or the organisation’s ability to perform and grow.

RevOps can provide the data to inform better decision-making. 

It can show the complete picture of where processes can be firmed up, errors removed and spending eased. Wasteful patterns of working or spending can be spotted and addressed.

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7. Accelerate Digital Transformation

Tech won’t replace people but having the right systems, tools and automation in place will make achieving performance and growth easier.

Training ensures employees can make the most of the power technology can offer.

Digital transformation opens doors to greater agility, flexibility and the means to deliver on performance and operational efficiency.

It gives Marketing the resources to make a good first impression and give people the initial information they need. It allows them to generate a better quality of lead.

It gives Sales the means to serve and guide the customer towards a decision. Tracking allows the team to respond quickly and ‘personally’ to the activity of the prospect, as if they have read their mind. 

It gives customer service or the customer success team a way to deliver WOW through the onboarding process and ongoing relationship with the buyer.

It gives your whole organisation a way to work more collaboratively, aligned to revenue goals.

8. Attract and Retain Top Talent

Processes, systems and tech play their part in the growth equation. But nothing happens without people.

Creating a success culture energises existing employees - and attracts new ones.

An inbound RevOps approach provides a framework and tools to get an organisation’s people in good shape to grow. 

  • Assess the performance, needs and skills gaps of employees
  • Create videos for online training 
  • Use new technology tools for your recruitment process
  • Expand the geographical market from which you can hire
  • Give employees the tools and resources to do their job efficiently and well
  • Align marketing, sales and customer service for better collaboration
  • Improve communications and information-sharing between teams
  • Access real-time data and analytics to inform decision-making
  • Create a fresh sense of energy and motivation within teams

When Marketing, Sales and Service are consistently delivering for the customer, it paves the way for transformational growth.

Get the Flywheel for Growth Spinning

Put it all together and people will pull together for success. People will want to be part of it and get hired.

For operational efficiency, the aim is to have people working together well and clear about how to use the technology.

Imagine a flywheel for growth. An organisation wants that wheel to spin as fast as it can. What drives that wheel is the ability to Attract, Engage and Delight. That’s the inbound way.

With one system, like HubSpot Growth Suite, Marketing can share blogs and social media content, and create ad campaigns.

That’s on the attract side. To engage with prospects, an organisation can use email, bots, live chat or messaging apps. It can use conversion tools to capture data from website activity and respond accordingly - for better conversations with more highly qualified leads.

The third part of the growth flywheel, delight, uses email and marketing automation to deliver the right message at the right time. 

It’s also a way for customer service to deliver that Wow factor, from onboarding messages and videos to ongoing care and guidance towards another sale or recurring custom.

Growth does not occur by chance. It is created by design.

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Published by Jamie Midgley March 17, 2022
Jamie Midgley