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Jun 02, 2023 Mike Midgley

Revolutionize with RevOps in the Boardroom: The Strategic Imperative of Revenue Operations

Revolutionize with RevOps in the Boardroom: The Strategic Imperative of Revenue Operations

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Revolutionizing the Boardroom: The Strategic Imperative of Revenue Operations | #RevOpsLife

Is a seismic shift happening in the corporate landscape, an evolution breaking down silos and streamlining business operations? 

Many will say it is flying under the radar, but the secret is out, and behind this revolution is Revenue Operations, or RevOps.

It's more than just a trendy phrase; RevOps is rapidly becoming a strategic imperative for modern businesses.

It's high time C-suite executives and board members focus on its compelling benefits.

The Increasing Complexity of Business Operations

The world is competitive, especially in business, and ensuring operational efficiency and effectiveness is paramount to maintaining that edge. 

However, with increasing market complexity, traditional methods of managing separate operational functions often result in inefficiencies, siloed decision-making, and inconsistent customer experiences.

As an Agency RevOps Strategist, I've seen firsthand how these disconnected operations can slow a company's growth, curtail its agility, and eventually erode its competitive advantage.

The Emergence of Revenue Operations

Enter RevOps – a holistic approach that aligns all revenue-generating departments: Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success under a unified operational umbrella. 

RevOps brings everyone on the same page, aligning strategies, objectives, people, and data, ensuring a seamless customer journey, and driving overall business growth with streamlined process mapping eradicating unnecessary friction.

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Why Should the C-Suite Care?

Why should this matter to C-suite executives?

RevOps has the potential to answer many of the challenges that keep the C-suite awake at night.

I work with both operating and investment boards every single week, and I hear what has been said and the frustrations; it makes my life easier being able to get to the heart of the issue, but it takes a commitment from the board to make the leap of faith.

1: Let's Talk about Driving Revenue Growth

The ultimate goal of any business strategy is to drive your revenue growth.

RevOps aligns all revenue-focused functions towards this singular goal.

It refines the business model and breaks down the silos between Sales, Marketing, and Customer Success, RevOps creates a smoother customer journey, enhancing customer satisfaction and increasing the likelihood of initial sales and repeat business.

I ask boards to consider stress testing these areas around their revenue growth:

  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Let is use a SaaS company as an example; Marketing, Sales, and Customer Success departments were working in silos, leading to disjointed efforts and lost potential sales.

  • By implementing RevOps, they can align their efforts toward common goals.

  • Marketing will be able to initiate campaigns to attract qualified leads

  • Sales will convert these leads into customers, and Customer Success commits to retaining these customers and upselling, all while communicating seamlessly.

  • This streamlined approach will, outside economic slowdowns, lead to increased revenue.

  • Consistent Messaging: In this example, I use an e-commerce company concerned about a drop in conversions due to inconsistent communication across different customer journey stages.

  • By unifying their operations under RevOps, they can ensure that their value proposition and brand messaging remain consistent across all touchpoints, improving conversions and boosting revenue.

  • Sales Cycle Reduction: Let's move to an example away from SaaS and e-commerce and focus on a manufacturing company - I work with one, and this is a fact, they were struggling with a prolonged sales cycle.

  • The RevOps strategy and approach we implemented helped align the goals of different departments and the production/supply chain, effectively reducing the sales cycle. A shorter sales cycle meant the company could close deals faster, increasing cash flow and revenue growth. The results were a 16% increase in deals closing faster in the first six months alone.

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2: Creating Efficiency and Reducing Costs

RevOps can streamline operations, reduce inefficiencies, and cut costs. 

As a business, you can optimize your process, operations, eliminate bottlenecks, and make better, faster decisions using data-driven insights.

RevOps allows for a more cohesive, efficient business operation that can positively impact your bottom line.  If you work more efficiently with structured process mapping, the architect's plans for automation and team accountability, the needle will move.

I ask boards to consider stress testing these areas around Creating Efficiency and Reducing Costs:

  • Eliminating Redundancy: We work with a number of Fintech firms and one in particular stands out; they were noticing duplicate efforts across Sales and Marketing, leading to wasted resources.

  • By implementing our RevOps strategy, they were able to identify these redundancies and create a streamlined workflow, saving time and costs and a new set of processes that improved their customer service scores by 32%

  • Optimized Resource Allocation: An project software developer example with our revised RevOps framework noticed that their sales team needed to spend less time on low-value leads.

  • We introduced data analysis and lead scoring to identify high-value leads and reallocated resources accordingly, improving efficiency and reducing wasted costs.

  • Automating Processes: A B2C SaaS company implemented our RevOps model and integrated the HubSpot CRM Suite, which automated many manual processes like lead tracking, customer follow-ups, and sales reporting.

  • This automation resulted in significant time and cost savings that continue to repay dividends.

3: Enhancing Decision-Making

As C-suite executives, you know too well that effective decision-making is only as good as the data that informs it.

However, siloed operations often lead to fragmented data, making it challenging to glean accurate, actionable insights. 

RevOps addresses this by integrating data across departments, providing a comprehensive view of the customer lifecycle, and enabling more informed, strategic decisions.

I ask boards to consider stress testing these areas around their decision making: 

  • Data-Driven Strategies: A B2B security company was struggling with inaccurate sales forecasts.

  • We unify data under our RevOps strategy and HubSpot linked to Databox; immediately, they could gain more accurate insights into sales trends and adjust their strategies accordingly.

  • Customer Insights: Using the RevOps strategy we created, a Retail Sports software company c was able to integrate data from multiple touchpoints and vendors that were driving their SaaS application.

  • This gave them a comprehensive view of their customer journey, enabling them to make strategic decisions to enhance customer experience and retention.

  • Risk Management: An online insurance company aggregator implemented RevOps under our recommendation and consultancy and found identifying potential risks and threats easier.

  • By having access to unified data, they were able to make informed decisions and mitigate risks faster than waiting days for amalgamated reports.

4. Fostering Agility

Those who win have agility, and agility is crucial in today's competitive landscape. Organizations must be able to pivot quickly in response to evolving market trends and customer needs.

RevOps, with its holistic and integrated approach, helps businesses be more agile, adapting strategies more quickly and responding more effectively to change.

I ask boards to consider stress testing these areas around their own agility:

  • Quick Response to Market Changes: A e-commerce fashion retailer we advised with a RevOps model was able to swiftly adapt its marketing strategies in response to fast-changing fashion trends, keeping them ahead of its competitors and leveraging pricing movements.

  • Seamless Shift to Remote Work: Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, many of our clients who had previously adopted a RevOps framework swiftly transitioned to remote work without losing operational efficiency.

  • The integrated approach is facilitated in almost every organization's effective communications and alignment, even in a virtual setting; these were the organizations that exited the pandemic stronger, not weaker.

  • Effective Product Launches: An online course program company, using their own RevOps model we consulted on, effectively synchronized their departments during new product launches, enabling a swift and seamless go-to-market process from strategy to production and course creation.

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5. Boosting Customer Satisfaction

We are also consumers, let's never forget that, and we, like everyone, expect personalized, seamless experiences.

Any friction in our journey can lead to us becoming frustrated, we buy elsewhere, resulting in lost sales, and we are also too eager to give negative reviews that can cause damaged brand reputations.  Sound familiar?

RevOps helps deliver a superior, consistent customer experience that we love. Whether we accept it or recognize it, the companies nailing customer experience align all customer-facing operations, ultimately driving our customer loyalty and advocacy.

I ask boards to consider stress testing these areas around their efforts to increase customer satisfaction: 

  • Unified Customer Experience: An online booking system for a hotel chain that we advised on their RevOps strategy, implemented it fast, and by aligning their sales, marketing, and customer service efforts, resulted in a more cohesive customer journey.

  • From the initial booking online to post-stay service, significantly improving customer satisfaction ratings and rebookings quickly after their stay for a future date.

  • Personalized Marketing: An online education platform that was already implementing RevOps to ensure consistency in understanding their customer needs and preferences asked for our audit of their work.

  • They achieved a great overhaul and literally process-mapped the revenue journey, allowing them to deliver personalized content and recommendations, enhancing user experience and satisfaction and increasing sales.

  • Improved Customer Support: When we advised a VOIP comms company, they noticed inconsistencies in their customer support, with customers having to repeat their issues when dealing with different departments.

  • After implementing a RevOps model, their customer-facing teams had access to the same customer data, resulting in more effective, consistent, and satisfying customer support experiences.

I have recalled the many RevOps organizations we have either strategized and implemented, consulted, or been part of an advisory team. In each of these examples, you can see the tangible benefits that implementing a RevOps model can have.

The time is for your next board meeting to put #RevopsOnTheAgenda - get the discussion going around process mapping, eliminating friction, putting the customer at the center of everything you do, and as an output, you can align your departments.

Remember RevOps for CEOs is the northstar for your growth and customer retention.  6t30 - Inbound Marketing Blog Graphic - Book A Consultation

Teal - #RevOpsLife


Published by Mike Midgley June 2, 2023
Mike Midgley