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Mar 29, 2023 Mike Midgley

Unleashing Your Team's Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to Assessing Your Teams RevOps Competency | #RevOpsLife

Unleashing Your Team's Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to Assessing Your Teams RevOps Competency | #RevOpsLife

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Unleashing Your Team's Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to Assessing Your Teams RevOps Competency | #RevOpsLife

Welcome to another instalment of our #RevOpsLife series.

I’m often asked to help clients structure their own internal Revops teams, for clarity we insist that each client has a dedicated RevOps professional, Ideally a head of Revops or at least a dedicated person with the ability to manage the demands required.

In this article, I've shared a snapshot of the workshop and team self-assessment strategy we implement with our clients in our GamePlans.

I cannot stress the importance of having the right people in the right seats when implementing RevOps, an essential aspect of any RevOps strategy is directly stated, assessing your internal team's competency.

The title says it all, but let's dive deeper into the process and the benefits of understanding your team's capabilities.

Building an Employee Style Persona Template

The first step in evaluating your team's RevOps competency is to create a persona style template for each employee.

This template will help you keep track of essential information and serve as a base for the assessment process.

Step 1: Your Employee’s Current Role:
To get started, including the following details for each team member:

  • Name

  • Current Job Title

  • Time with Company

Step 2: Your Employee's Key Responsibilities
Next, list each employee's 3-5 key responsibilities in their current role. This will give you a single source of truth on how quickly they are likely to adapt to the wider demands of a RevOps role.

While this is stereotyping to a certain degree, it should be used as a guide rail more than a rule, transitional generalists out of the core skills are tremendous assets in RevOps roles, so don’t rule them out.

However, if someone is already well skilled and versed in marketing and sales disciplines, then they have a good advantage to build and develop into a wider RevOps pro.

This information will provide context for the self-assessment and help you gauge their expertise in specific areas relevant to RevOps.

Step 3: The Self-Assessment: 10 Questions to Determine RevOps Competency
The next phase involves having employees assess their own skills on a scale of 1-5 using the following key:

1 = Beginner Skill

2 = Low Skill

3 = Intermediary Skill

4 = High Skill

5 = Expert Skill

Using this scale, employees should rate themselves on the following ten questions:

  1. Assess your current understanding of 'revenue generation.'

  2. Assess your current understanding of 'team management.'

  3. Assess your current understanding of 'data governance.'

  4. Assess your current understanding of 'process development.'

  5. Assess your current understanding of 'HubSpot CRM.'

  6. Assess your current understanding of 'RevOps strategy.'

  7. Assess your current understanding of 'marketing and specifically inbound marketing techniques.'

  8. Assess your current understanding of 'sales and specifically inbound sales techniques.'

  9. Assess your current understanding of 'customer success and specifically inbound customer success techniques.'

  10. Assess your current understanding of 'growth-driven design website techniques.'

Step 4: Scoring and Interpretation

After answering all questions honestly, employees will receive a RevOps competency score ranging from 5 to 50:

  • If they score 5-29: We suggest they would not be competent without major supervision.

  • If they score 30-39: We suggest they have good foundations and would be competent with moderate supervision and a training plan in RevOps would be worthwhile investing into.

  • If they score 40-50: We would suggest they are close to being an expert and could lead your RevOps team

Leveraging the Assessment Results

The purpose of this self-assessment is two fold:

  1. For employees seeking new RevOps roles, this exercise can help identify areas for improvement and prepare them for future opportunities.

  2. For employers, understanding current employees' competencies can inform hiring decisions, training needs, and overall team capabilities.

However it is not only about the hard skills, consider there is so much more.

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Beyond the Self-Assessment

While this self-assessment is a valuable starting point, it's essential to consider other factors when evaluating team competency. These may include:

  • Performance metrics tied to specific RevOps KPIs

  • Peer feedback and manager evaluations

  • Demonstrated ability to adapt to new technologies and strategies

Taking a holistic approach to assessing your team's RevOps competency will provide a more accurate representation of their skills and abilities. 

By incorporating various sources of information, you can create a comprehensive picture of each employee's strengths and weaknesses.

Developing an Action Plan

Once you've gathered all relevant information, it's time to create an action plan to address any gaps or areas needing improvement.

A well-rounded action plan can include some or all of the following:

  1. Targeted Training:

    Identify specific training programs, workshops, or courses that can help employees improve their skills in areas where they may be lacking. This could include in-house training, external courses, or online resources like the HubSpot Academy RevOps certification course.

  2. Mentorship:

    Pair employees with more experienced team members or external mentors who can provide guidance and support as they work to develop their skills.

  3. Goal-Setting:

    Ensure you establish clear, measurable SMART goals for employees to work toward in terms of their RevOps competency. Regularly review progress and adjust goals as needed to ensure they remain relevant and achievable.

  4. Encourage Cross-Functional Collaboration:

    It is important to encourage collaboration and communication between your departments to help employees gain exposure to different aspects of the business and develop a more comprehensive understanding of RevOps.

  5. Recognition and Rewards:

    Implement a system to recognize and reward employees for their progress and achievements in developing their RevOps skills. I find recognition programs can help motivate employees better and secure the bottom-up adoption required to foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Monitoring Progress

Regularly evaluating your team's RevOps competency is crucial to ensure continuous growth and improvement.

I highly advise you to schedule periodic assessments and performance reviews to track progress and make adjustments to the action plan as needed. Stay informed about new technologies and strategies within the RevOps space and consider incorporating them into your assessment process.


The advantage of assessing your team's RevOps competency will repay dividends tenfold, and is an essential step in developing a high-performing, adaptable team capable of driving revenue growth.

By understanding your employees' current skill levels and providing targeted training and support, you can unlock your team's full potential and ensure continued success in an ever-evolving landscape. 

Embrace the RevOps journey and watch your team flourish as they reach new heights in their careers and contribute to your organization's growth.

I understand that every person is unique and has their own talents, so use a personalized approach to assessing your teams.

And if you need access to our GamePlan RevOps workshops to assess your team, schedule a consultation with us today and let's get started on creating a winning RevOps team together!

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Published by Mike Midgley March 29, 2023
Mike Midgley