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Mar 24, 2023 Mike Midgley

Refining Your Vision and Mission: The Cornerstones of a Successful RevOps Strategy | #RevOpsLife

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Refining Your Vision and Mission: The Cornerstones of a Successful RevOps Strategy | #RevOpsLife

Welcome back to the #RevOpsLife series, where we strive to provide actionable insights and guidance to help organizations optimize their revenue operations.

In this article I’m going to dig deep into the importance of having a clear vision and mission in your RevOps strategy.

I’ll cover why revisiting and refining your existing vision and mission statements is essential to aligning your organization with the demand on today’s RevOps fundamentals.

This topic is one of the foundation stones of any successful RevOps strategy. Crafted well, they not only provide direction but also ensure that everyone in your organization is working towards the same goals.

For those new to creating Mission and Visions, let's start by defining what exactly a vision and mission statement is, and why they are critical to your RevOps strategy.

What is a Vision Statement?

I like to think that simplifying this to looking it through a lens of:

“A vision statement paints a picture of the future you want to create. It's a long-term, aspirational idea that inspires and guides the organization”.

A strong vision statement should be clear, concise, and easy to understand, reflecting your company's core values and ambitions.

What is a Mission Statement?

Equally as per the Vision, I like to think that simplifying the Mission as looking it through a lens of:

“A Mission defines the purpose of your organization. It describes the reason your company exists, its core functions, and the value it provides to customers, employees, and stakeholders”.

A well-crafted mission statement should be specific, actionable, and closely tied to the company's vision.

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Why Revise Your Existing Vision
and Mission?

When working with clients on their RevOps strategies, I often hear we already have a vision and mission, why do I need to recreate it?

A fair question so consider that even if you have an existing vision and mission statement, it's essential to undertake a revision exercise in line with RevOps fundamentals and alignment that may not have been considered when you first created your own versions.

By no means am I saying they are wrong, what I'm saying is review them,  and explore the opportunity to sanity check them.

Your business landscape is constantly changing, and as your organization grows, evolves, or faces new challenges, it's crucial to ensure your vision and mission remain relevant and accurately reflect your current objectives and priorities. 

Moreover, a well-aligned vision and mission statement will help your team understand the direction your RevOps strategy is taking, promoting better decision-making and collaboration across departments.

Learning from the Best: Tesla, Amazon, and TEDx

I have picked out a few favorites of mine, this to help you better understand the importance of vision and mission statements, let's take a look at the examples of my favorites being Tesla, Amazon, and TEDx.

Tesla's vision is:
"To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world's transition to electric vehicles." 

Tesla’s mission is:
"To accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy." 

Why I think Tesla’s statements are Great!:
The vision statement is inspired by painting a picture of a future dominated by electric vehicles, while the mission statement focuses on the actionable steps Tesla is taking to make that future a reality for its customers.

Amazon's vision is:
"To be Earth's most customer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online."

Amazon's mission is:
To continually raise the bar of the customer experience by using the internet and technology to help consumers find, discover and buy anything, and empower businesses and content creators to maximize their success."

Why I think Amazon’s statements are Great!:
Amazon's vision focuses on providing exceptional customer service laced with convenience, and their mission statement highlights the specific actions they're taking to achieve that vision and it is so easy to buy from Amazon right? Even when there is a cheaper alternative elsewhere online.

TEDx's vision is:
"A world where every person has access to the power of ideas to overcome the challenges of the 21st century." 

TEDx's mission is:
“To spread ideas worth sharing by providing a global platform for local voices."

Why I think TEDx’ statements are Great!:
TEDx's vision inspires people to imagine a world empowered by ideas, while their mission statement focuses on the actionable steps they're taking to create that world that moves people forward, it's also a gold standard that everyone in the speaker world wants a TED or TEDX talk on their resume, how powerful is that?.

How To Get Started?: Creating Your Vision and Mission Statements

Now that you have a better idea and understanding of the importance of vision and mission statements in your RevOps strategy, let's discuss how to get started in creating or refining them.

Here are the steps I recommend you take:

1: Assemble the right team:

To create or revise your vision and mission statements, gather a diverse group of stakeholders, including:

  • Leaders from various departments

  • Key employees, and 

  • Even customers or partners.

This will ensure that multiple perspectives are considered and that the final statements resonate with everyone involved.

2: Evaluate your current vision and mission:

If you have existing vision and mission statements, start by:

  • Assessing their relevance and alignment with your organization's current goals and RevOps strategy. 

  • Identify areas where improvements can be made and where alignment may be lacking.

3: Reflect on your organization's values, purpose, and goals:

Before drafting new statements, take time to consider your company's core values, purpose, and long-term goals, then ask your team: 

  • What is the driving force behind your organization? 

  • What sets you apart from competitors? 

  • What do you want to achieve in the long run?

Use these reflections to shape your vision and mission statements.

4: Draft and revise:

Using the insights gathered, draft new or revised vision and mission statements. Make sure they are 

  • Clear, concise, and actionable. 

  • Share the drafts with your team 

  • Gather feedback

Make revisions as needed to ensure everyone is aligned and on board with the new statements.

5: Communicate and integrate:

Once you have finalized your vision and mission statements, communicate them to the entire organization. 

  • Make sure they are easily accessible and visible to all employees. 

  • Integrate these statements into your company's culture and decision-making processes

  • Ensuring that they guide your RevOps strategy and daily operations.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

As you create or revise your vision and mission statements, be mindful of these common mistakes that can derail your progress and disrupt your Revops strategy:

  1. Lack of Clarity:
    Creating vague or generic statements can lead to confusion and misalignment. Ensure that your vision and mission statements are clear, concise, and easy to understand, reflecting your organization's unique goals and values.

  2. Not Actionable:
    Your mission statement should outline specific, actionable steps your organization will take to achieve its vision. Link them to, and that's why I write vision first and follow up with mission second. Avoid creating a mission statement that is too broad or fails to identify how you will deliver value to customers, employees, and stakeholders.

  3. Inconsistency with Organizational Values:
    Ensure that your vision and mission statements align with your organization's core values and culture. This will foster a sense of unity and commitment among employees and help guide your team's decision-making.

  4. Lack of Buy-In:
    Involve key stakeholders and employees in the creation or revision process to ensure that the final statements resonate with everyone involved. Gaining buy-in will make it easier to communicate and integrate the vision and mission statements into your organization's operations.

  5. Failure to Communicate and Reinforce:
    Once your vision and mission statements are finalized, make sure they are communicated effectively and consistently reinforced across the organization. Share them through your recruitment process.


A clear vision and mission statement are essential components of a successful RevOps strategy. We include them in all our RevOps Strategy GamePlan workshops, and regardless of how big the client is - Enterprise downwards or SME upwards, they need to be reviewed, remember not to skip this foundation element.

By revisiting and refining your existing statements, you can ensure that your organization remains aligned with RevOps fundamentals and that your team is working towards the same goals. 

Learn from the examples set by Tesla, Amazon, and TEDx and use their well-crafted statements as inspiration for your own. 

Remember to involve key stakeholders, create clear and actionable statements, and communicate and integrate them effectively within your organization.

Need RevOps Guidance? 

If you need help creating a powerful RevOps strategy and crafting killer vision and mission statements that drives success, our team of expert strategists is here to help.

Schedule a call with one of our strategists today, and let us guide you through the process, ensuring your organization is set on the right path to achieve your revenue goals and fulfill your aspirations. Let's work together to make your vision a reality and accelerate your organization's growth.

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Published by Mike Midgley March 24, 2023
Mike Midgley