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Mar 10, 2022 Jamie Midgley

7 Good Reasons for CIOs to Love Inbound RevOps

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7 Good Reasons for CIOs to Love
Inbound RevOps

Leaders seeking growth also have an eye on budgets.

They look to the CIO for ways to squeeze the juice out of tech - so the organisation can achieve more for less.

Challenges include delivering on strategy, streamlining internal tech processes, making IT operations more efficient and managing the IT infrastructure. 

To tackle the job, some organisations are exploring how to design future growth with Revenue Operations, also known as RevOps or RO. It’s seen as a way to “build the tracks and keep the trains running on time”.

Here are 7 reasons why CIOs might just love what it offers.

1. Drive Positive Profitability

One question CIOs are asked may feel like a broken record: “Can you achieve the same or better, for less?”

Organisations want to streamline, raise efficiency and increase profit.

A pure cost reduction strategy may be tempting but it’s only ever a short-term ‘fix’ (and, according to the stats, fails to do even that half the time).

Instead of cuts, cuts, cuts, the CIO can look to facilitate greater efficiency, productivity and performance - using technology as a driver to increase leads, sales, revenue and customer service levels.

RevOps supports this approach because it aligns teams to single revenue goals, encourages operating with a simplified yet smarter system, and presents better quality data.

2. Accelerate Digital Transformation

According to Gartner, two thirds of board leaders expect to accelerate adoption of new technologies.

That may cover areas like cloud computing, 5G and 6G, automation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), machine learning and
virtual reality. 

But the simpler question is this. How do we enable our people to excel at their jobs with ease?

The Inbound RevOps approach is ready made for Digital Transformation. It is customer focused. It encourages a strong web presence and the use of smart web tools. It requires the creation of online content, from PDF brochures to videos.

3. Support Remote and Hybrid Working

There are considerations around health, safety and wellbeing. And, of course, organisations will need to review their use of office and meeting space.

However, for performance, leaders need to find a way for their people to communicate and collaborate effectively - from wherever they work.

The RevOps approach using an ‘all-on-one’ system like HubSpot Growth Suite - combined with a data analytics tool like Databox - ticks the boxes. 

Together, they provide virtual meeting options, multi-channel communications, accurate data sharing, real-time analytics and pipeline management. 

It allows Marketing, Sales and Customer Service to work together better - finding new customers, keeping more of the existing customers and driving
stronger revenue.

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4. Alignment of Teams and Tech

RevOps gets everyone on the same page and working towards clear objectives. 

Specifically, it aligns Marketing and Sales to single revenue targets, backed by a
solid SLA. 

A system solution like HubSpot Growth Suite helps people in different teams to share information, see data in real time, and respond appropriately to what prospects and customers are doing.

Alignment means ditching the silos. 

Technology can help break down barriers. When people are aligned, they have direction, focus and strong reasons to work for the greater good.

5. Put an End to ‘FrankenSpot’

Over time, organisations add new platforms, apps and tools to try and make
life easier.

But what often happens is they end up with a giant mish mash of tech. Different bits for different jobs. None or few ‘talking’ to each other or playing nicely together. 

This is what HubSpot calls the ‘FrankenSpot’ effect. 

The organisation ends up with an ugly ‘monster’ that gets in the way of good communications, great collaboration and efficiency. It often results in missed opportunities, lost sales and unsubscribes.

Under a RevOps approach, ‘FrankenSpot’ can be replaced by an all-in-one system like HubSpot Growth Suite, with its simple integrations to supporting applications.

6. Power Personalisation

Some organisations operate partially ‘blind’. The smarter ones have a ‘radar’ system connected to Marketing, Sales and Service.

It helps them to create a clearer picture and deeper understanding of
their customers.

Data - timely, accurate and shared - helps employees to respond in the right way to queries, questions and other engagement activity. 

Tracking of what prospects and customers do and say provides insights to inform decision-making, both at a front-facing level and at a high-level view.

This supports a strategy of personalisation. People get to know the brand, feel like it understands what they’re looking for and goes the extra mile to make them feel happy.

A customer focused Inbound RevOps approach with HubSpot and associated tools can provide that ‘radar’ and help to deliver the strategy.

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7. Drive Decision-Making with Better Data

Having data and analytics which do all the heavy lifting is like having your bags carried for you to the top-floor suite of a luxury hotel.

However, the conscientious CIO also wants a way to sort that data and present it clearly in different formats for different audiences. 

The CEO wants different data to the CFO. The CMO has a different focus on the data to the COO. Employees ‘at the coalface’ in marketing, sales and service need a different level of data to support their determination to hit their targets.

A RevOps solution from 6teen30 Digital, twinned with a multi-channel communications platform like HubSpot Growth Suite, can support that. It:

  • Gives Sales, Marketing and Service the data, resources and content to up their game.
  • Provides insights into customers’ needs, wants and buying behaviours.
  • Identifies opportunities to delight, wow and upsell customers.
  • Simplifies systems, communications and collaboration for improved performance.
  • Enables scenario planning and the ability to better predict performance.

Having the right quality of data enables an organisation to make more informed decisions. It removes much of the guesswork and risk. 

Example 1:

Complex data analytics with AI can help answer questions about the best way to go - and provide alternatives which may prove a better bet. 

It could be the best postcode for a new logistics depot. It could be which street to open your next store. It could be the best configuration of office and desk space (in a shared workspace) for maximum profitability.

With HubSpot and Databox together, an organisation can build an accurate picture of what’s required to achieve a specific outcome. 

Example 2:

An organisation could use the system to calculate how many leads are required from marketing to generate a sales qualified lead (SQL). What percentage of SQLs will be converted into sales. What the churn rate is. The costs of acquisition and average lifetime customer value.

This allows the organisation to create more predictable performance. This makes for better use of investment, tech and people. 

Empowering People Through Technology

Technology is an incredible thing. We too often take it and what it can do
for granted.

It’s widely seen as a way to help complete routine tasks, generate operational efficiencies and streamline processes.

But it is much more than that.

The ‘quiet’ tech in the background allows employees to get on with their job with minimal fuss. It allows them to do their job better. It allows them to become a stronger and more generous team player. It develops leaders.

For all the complexity and sophistication of modern tech, it is not the tools or internal wizardry that dazzles. 

It’s the fact that technology - the right technology - enables people to do things simpler, easier and faster. It gives them the confidence to shine. It allows them to deliver high performance and strong results.

When people are empowered, great things are possible.

Making good use of tech is one of the ways to design for smarter growth.

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Published by Jamie Midgley March 10, 2022
Jamie Midgley