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Apr 03, 2020 Mike Midgley

Content Stages

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In this growth engine daily video, I'd like to talk to you about the content life cycle a little bit more. In particular, the type of content that you're putting out at each stage. So if you're not familiar with the stages that you should be putting content out, try and break it down into three specific sections. 

So the top of the funnel is awareness, so that's where your customers or your prospects are not quite sure that they actually want your product or services yet. But in the middle is a consideration. 

So that means that they're actually aware of, they either have a problem or an aspiration that they would like to pursue. But they're not quite sure which option is the best for them. Then at the bottom is the decision. 

So they're aware of the problem or the aspiration, they've considered the options.Now it's just about making the right decision based on the content that they see to get the sale with the specific supplier or make that purchase with the specific supplier. So I want you to focus on awareness, consideration, and decision. 

Awareness Stage

Awareness; what is awareness content, a lot of people ask. A lot of people, if you're like most, you'll just be putting posts out there, or emails out there, and you'll be focusing on the topic that you want to get across, instead of the stage of your buyer. 

That's a mistake that I see quite a bit. So the first rule is, as I've just said, start to focus your content at the stage that your prospective buyer's at, as opposed to the message that you just want to get across. So what is awareness content? 

Awareness content;

  • It could be a guide 
  • It could be a book 
  • It could be a video 
  • It could be anything that's going to cover.

Are you in this situation? Are you suffering from X? Would you like to achieve Y? Then it might be in the back of the mind, but then ask them to flick a switch to the flicker trigger, and that person's then going to sort of say, "Yeah, I do have that problem." 

It may not be the number one priority for me "to go and buy a solution today, "but it's certainly something in the back of the mind, "or that peripheral edge "that I might want to get taken care of." 

So that's awareness content; eBooks, eGuides, pretty awesome things like that. Although video explainers, and software demos, not demos, but software screenshots, are a good way of doing that as well.

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Consideration Stage

So let's now talk about consideration. I love checklists for consideration, because if you're buying a product, or you're looking to get a solution. If you could have one company or one product down one side, and another company and another product down the other side.

You could compare them in a table side-by-side, that to me is a great way to get your content across in a consideration focus. So checklists are one comparison table type. The checklist is my favourite. 

Other types of consideration could be a webinar, sign up for a webinar, and come in and learn about that. Watch a video, book a software demonstration, see if this is the right software for you, come and get a free survey, or speak to a consultation, speak to one of our experts, let's see if our solution's right for you.So talk about keeping the customer and the buyer in mind.

Decision Stage

I think the decision at the bottom. Well, case studies, testimonials, are pretty awesome. They think that your product or service is right for you, or right for them, I should say. Then did you see the social proof at the bottom? 

  • Seen a case study? 
  • Seen a testimonial? 

Again, it might be then an on-site appointment, or an on-site assessment, or a diagnosis, from there at the bottom. There is author content at the bottom of the funnel as well, although I wouldn't suggest you go straight out with that unless you're in some type of eCommerce discount deal business. 


Ultimately, you could put out content that's around. You see restaurants, their two-for-one, or happy hours and things like that, just to make sure that you go to that restaurant, or that bar, over another one.

I just wanted to shoot this quick Pitstop video and talk about the content life cycle a little bit more and get you to focus on when you are putting social media posts out. When you are  putting emails out when you are doing your marketing flyers.

Think about firstly, of always who are you going to be aiming this out, and who's your ideal persona. Then secondly, think about what stage that this content at. Of course, you really should be having all three stages of what we call ACD, awareness, consideration, decision content, in every solid campaign that you run. 

Published by Mike Midgley April 3, 2020
Mike Midgley